MSN /研究生证书申请程序
请使用此页面获取所有信息和表格,以申请科学硕士 护理和研究生证书课程.
- 春季入学 -申请和成绩单截止日期
下午4:59截止.m. CST - 11月1日st - 夏季入学 -申请和成绩单截止日期
下午4:59截止.m. CST - 2月1日st - 秋季入学申请 -申请和成绩单截止日期
下午4:59截止.m. CST - 3月1日st
- 春季入学 -申请和成绩单截止日期
下午4:59截止.m. CST - 11月1日st - 夏季入学 -申请和成绩单截止日期
下午4:59截止.m. CST - 2月1日st
Please do not submit a 补充申请 until you have a verified Primary 在护理中的应用.
未来的学生应该 申请经济资助 尽快. 十大彩票网投平台财政援助申请流程的任何问题, 请与 美国财政援助办公室 了解更多信息.
每年秋季、春季和夏季学期都会招收一批新的MSN学生. 入学 进入该计划是有限的和选择性的. 在此期间接受申请人 上述期间. 申请人必须填写一份主要申请 和补充申请.
MSN and Post Graduate Certificate applicants are required to complete two applications -主要和补充. 首先,完成cas在护理学中的初步应用; 然后填写补充申请. 这是非常重要的完成 Primary Application first so that it moves through the following stages: received, 完成之后 验证. 一旦经过验证,您就可以完成补充申请.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their completed 补充申请 是否在申请的学期截止日期前提交. 只完成了 申请将被考虑接受.
的 Primary Application is completed through 的 Centralized Application Service for 护理课程(NursingCAS). 这项服务与大学和学院是分开的 护理. 申请人须负责支付护理cas所要求的任何费用 服务.
主要申请的主要目的是收集正式成绩单. Applicants must request official transcripts from ALL college and university studies, 不管招生结果如何. 包括所有本科生,研究生和 professional institutions you have attended, even if the courses were not required 申请入读护理课程或转到其他机构. 包括 任何非学位课程(如.g.(暑期学校)和国外机构参加,是否 或者课程是否被转移到美国大学.S. 授予或获得学位. Enter each institution only once, regardless of the number of degrees or gaps in the 出席日期. 请与您的学位授予大学确认 他们在申请之前都是经过地区认证的.
A transcript is ONLY considered official if it is sent directly from the college or 从大学转到护理学院. 这些文件成为护理cas的财产 会不会退还给申请人. 我们建议在两个月内订购成绩单 before the deadline and that the applicant confirm receipt of these transcripts one 截止日期前一个月.
Applicants who are finishing a BSN degree between the application deadline and the beginning of the semester for which they are applying are required to send a transcript to NursingCAS in time to meet the application deadline and 然后, if accepted, they are required to send an official degree-conferred transcript to the University of 南阿拉巴马研究生招生办公室在开始MSN项目之前.
NursingCAS Application Status状态从 正在进行, to 收到了 to 完整的 然后 验证.
正在进行的 - NursingCAS will send you a confirmation email acknowledging that your application 提交. 请注意,提交申请并不意味着你的申请正在被审查 通过你的程序. 根据已经收到的材料,提交更改 您的申请状态从“进行中”变为“收到”或“完成”.”
完整的 -一般来说,申请完成时:
- 所有正式成绩单已经收到,并已发送到您的申请.
- 您的申请费已提交并标记为已收到.
- You 提交 your application and received an email confirming it was successfully 提交.
- 您的申请项目状态为“完成”.”
验证 - Once all of your required application materials are received, your application's 状态变为 完整的 您的申请将排队等待验证. 验证按时间顺序进行 订单和平均需要两周才能完成. 一旦你的申请被核实, 您将收到通知,您的申请状态将更改为 验证.
- 完成护理cas要求的文件的所有部分.
- 进入我们的研究生课程不需要高中成绩单.
- 的 only applicants who are required to complete the TEST section are International applicants who have been instructed by our Office of International Services to submit 他们的托福成绩.
- 请填写“专业经验及附件”项下所要求的所有资料 a typed curriculum vitae (CV) or resume which denotes all RN experience, employment 历史、证书、出版物等. 请尽可能彻底,因为 这些信息将由研究生招生委员会进行严格审查.
- 我们的课程入学不需要推荐信.
的 Personal Goal Statement is a description of the applicant's purpose for completing 研究生学位. 这篇文章作为研究生审查的写作样本 招生委员会决定申请人的学术写作技巧.
的 essay should address: 1) why you chose to complete a graduate degree in your selected area of specialization at the 十大彩票网投平台; 2) a current healthcare/practice issue or focus within the nursing specialty which you are passionate about; and 3) how your training/degree completion at the 十大彩票网投平台 will enable you to achieve your goals and impact the selected healthcare/practice issue or focus 在你的专业范围内. apa格式的450至500字的文章应该证明 有很强的学术能力和英语能力. 学术论文的定义 as an essay that expresses progression of thought in a clear and concise manner while using correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and sources when appropriate (参见APA 7)th 版本风格和资源).
Applicants identified with a need of scholarly writing support to promote success in graduate writing courses will be recommended to take NU 597 Introduction to Scholarly 研究生课程第一学期的写作(3学时).
- 隐私声明 - You are required to complete the Advisor Release Section and Certification 和本节的验证声明.
- 指定-您只能从以下列表中选择一个指定:
- 非护理学士学位的注册护士转MSN is available to registered nurses who have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited 非护理学科的机构.
- BSN转MSN is available to Registered Nurses who hold a bachelor of science in nursing degree 从一个地区认可的机构.
- 研究生证书 is available for Registered Nurses with a graduate degree in nursing from a regionally accredited institution who seek academic preparation in a new specialty or subspecialty 高级护理实践区.
Only those applicants who comply with all requirements for the Primary Application 上述说明将被考虑录取.
步骤2 / 2补充申请
的 补充申请 is the application which is sent electronically to the 十大彩票网投平台护理学院.
- 的 补充申请 is 提交 electronically directly to the MSN Office at the 美国护理学院. To 开始补充申请流程,请转至 请在学术信息中选择合适的入学学期. 在学生类型和学术兴趣水平下选择“研究生”. 一个新的 option will appear asking if you are applying for a graduate nursing program, select “是”,这将带你进入护理应用.
- 请注意补充申请必须完成 后 you have completed your NursingCAS application and it has moved through the following 阶段:收到,完成然后 验证. 一旦经过验证,您就可以完成补充申请.
- Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their completed 补充申请 是否在申请的学期截止日期前提交. 不完整的 申请将不获处理.
- 此申请需要支付100美元的不可退还处理费.00.
Applicants with an 不完整的 Application on the application due date are required to submit a new 补充申请 to USA along with another 补充申请 下一个申请期需要考虑的费用. 申请人可联系护理cas to see when their current Primary Application will be verified and if there is anything they need to do to finish the application process in NursingCAS for the next application 周期.
学生 who are accepted into the program and decide not to start the program in the 术语 for which they are admitted are required to submit a new supplemental application and pay another supplemental application fee to be considered for admission to another 术语.
If you have questions about the application process, 请与 college of 护理学 or (251) 445-9400.