College of Education and Professional Studies Graduate Programs
Expand your career pathway with a graduate degree from the University of South Alabama College of Education and Professional Studies. From a Master's, Educational Specialist, or Doctorate, we are ready to help you with your next professional goal. Choose from a variety of online and in-person programs.
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.S.
- Early Childhood Education, M.Ed. (online)
- Early Childhood Education, M.Ed. with Reading Certification (online)
- Educational Leadership for P-12 Administrators, M.Ed. (online)
- Educational Leadership, Certification Only
- Educational Leadership for Higher Education Administration, M.Ed. (online)
- Educational Media-Library Media, M.Ed. (online)
- Educational Media, Certificate Only
- Educational Media and Technology, M.S. (online)
- Elementary Education, M.Ed. (online)
- Elementary Education, M.Ed. with Reading Certificate (online)
- Exercise Science, M.S.
- Health Education (6-12), M.Ed.
- Health Promotion, M.S.
- Instructional Design and Development, M.S. (online)
- Instructional Design and Development, Pre-Doctoral Program
- Physical Education (P-12), M.Ed.
- Reading Specialist, Certification Only (online)
- School Counseling, M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), M.Ed. (online)
- Secondary Education, English Language Arts, M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, General Science, M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, Mathematics, M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, Social Studies, M.Ed.
- Special Education (Collaborative Teacher) K-6 or 6-12, M.Ed. (online)
- Sport Management, M.S. (online)
- Instructional Design and Development, M.S. (online)
An alternative master's degree is designed for individuals who hold an undergraduate degree in a field outside of education and who want to become a certified teacher with a master's degree in education.
- Early Childhood Education, Alt. M.Ed.
- Elementary Education, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, Art Education, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, English Language Arts, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Alt. M.Ed. (online)
- Secondary Education, French, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, General Science, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, German, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, Mathematics, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, Social Studies, Alt. M.Ed.
- Secondary Education, Spanish, Alt. M.Ed.
- Special Education (Collaborative Teacher) K-6 or 6-12, Alt. M.Ed. (online)
- Early Childhood Education, Ed.S.
- Educational Leadership/Instructional Leadership, Ed.S.
- Elementary Education, Ed.S.
- Reading Specialist, Ed.S.
- Secondary Education, General Science, Ed.S.
- Secondary Education, English Language Arts, Ed.S.
- Secondary Education, Mathematics, Ed.S.
- Secondary Education, Social Sciences, Ed.S.
- Special Education (Collaborative Teacher) K-6 or 6-12, Ed.S.
- Teacher Leader, Ed.S. (online)
Programs of study leading to the Alabama Class A and Class AA Professional Teaching Certificates are available in appropriate areas.
A limited number of master's and doctoral level graduate assistantships are available. These awards are coordinated by the Office of Graduate Studies. Students desiring to apply for a graduate assistantship should contact their program's Academic Department in order to receive information about assistantship requirements and to obtain an application. Please also email the CEPS Graduate School office at to express your interest in graduate assistantships in order to be considered.
Each student must be qualified for admission to the Graduate School and the College of Education and Professional Studies. Each graduate program has specific requirements for admission that may exceed the requirements listed for admission to the Graduate School and the College of Education and Professional Studies. Persons interested in applying for admission to a specific program should consult the appropriate program’s admission requirements which can be found on the Department’s Program Webpage. Please refer to the University Bulletin and the Program Webpage for Degree Requirements.
GPA Requirement. A minimum overall grade-point-average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale based on the GPA used as the basis for granting the degree and posted on the official transcript from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned OR a 2.5 GPA on the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate course work posted on the official transcript from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned. For specific program GPA admission requirements, consult the department program website.
GPA Exception. Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and who do not have a qualifying GPA for admission may seek admission based on a qualifying score of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). For the GRE, this standard is defined as having a score at the 50th percentile on all of the following subtests: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. For the Miller Analogies Test, students must have a score at or above the 50th percentile based on the total group percentile rank score. For Alternative Class A programs, applicants must submit a qualifying alternate score on the Alabama-prescribed Praxis subject-area test.
GPA Requirement: A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum overall GPA of 2.75 or a master’s or higher degree with a GPA of at least 3.0. This GPA must be documented on the official transcript of the degree granting institution and must be the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the degree, not a GPA that includes post-degree courses.
GPA Exception for unconditional admission to Alternative Class A State Department of Education-approved programs: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and do not meet the minimum overall undergraduate GPA of 2.75, but have at least a 2.0 overall undergraduate GPA, may seek provisional admission to an Alternative Class A program if the alternate score on the Alabama prescribed Praxis subject-area test is obtained. The alternate scores can be found on the Alternate Score Requirements document at (Department Offices: Educator Assessment: Educator Assessment Policies). The ONLY tests and scores accepted are those listed on the Alternate Score Requirements document. All other requirements for admission must also be met.
James "Tres" Stefurak. PhD
Director of Graduate Studies
College of Education and Professional Studies
UCOM 3612
Phone: (251) 380-2734
Fax: (251) 380-2758
Dominique Broughton House
Graduate Records Specialist
College of Education and Professional Studies
Phone: (251) 380-2630
Fax: (251) 380-2758